As the sun sets so early
On a life that was so grand
Our hearts are filled with sorrow
As we try to understand
But when there are no answers
And peace seems far away
We lift our voices up to God
And through our hearts we pray
“Our father, who art in heaven
Hallowed by thy name”
But without our friend, our brother,
We’ll never be the same
The joy he held within his heart
He showed us through his smile
We were privileged to know him
Even if for just a while
The life he gave will not soon fade
Nor will his memory die
Even as we say together
To Ryan Sparks “Good-Bye”
(Poem by Ryan’s friend John Akers)
Submitted by Pam Sparks in memory of her son Ryan Sparks, 20, who along with Meghann Hall and Rachel Janosik, was lost aboard Alaska Airlines Flight 261, January 31, 2000